Monday, March 4, 2013

My Blessings

So I got this great idea the other day that I would get my little peoples' picture all together on the play mat...what was I thinking?!

At least everyone is actually IN this picture, and still relatively happy.

By this time, Colby is getting tired and no longer really wants to participate with my great idea. I realize that if I tell the girls to kiss him, I might actually get them both to participate at the same time. Now, notice how Evelynn is kissing Colby! This is ALWAYS how she kisses him! WITH AN OPEN MOUTH, PEOPLE! She told me the other day that she wishes Colby wasn't in our family. Of course, I was very curious about this since she loves him so much. She then replies, "Well, that way I could marry him when we grow up." Precious girl, I can't wait to bring this up when she gets engaged!

All of my lovelies together. Aren't they wonderful? I often forget to be thankful for my many blessings, but times like this make it easy!

Oh, and breaking news! Colby rolled over! Technically he only did it once from his tummy to his back, but as you can see in the picture he is getting really close going the other direction too! This means that the larger playmat has come out, as he is scooting of his other one quite a lot of the time!
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