Friday, February 22, 2013

What we're up to...

I know February is the shortest month, but wow is it ever going by fast!

I thought this was hilarious! I found Evelynn swinging outside reading a book! Check out the new cowboy boots - thanks Mimi!

Brad has joined a bowling league here in town, and decided we needed to take the girls bowling. Here is Evelynn giving it her best shot.

Lyla going for her first time. She can't wait to go back! It took so long for the ball to go down the lane, she would come back and sit down and watch it hit the pins! So funny.

Poor kid is four months old and Evelynn STILL won't leave him alone! I really thought it would get old after a while and he would be able to play in peace...I guess I am going to have to wait until he starts taking their toys or something! Oh, and this is our first picture of Evelynn's new haircut!

Well, technically both of the girls got new haircuts! Evelynn picked up her ponytail and told her, I want to cut it all off! They both love their new 'dos, and I like how easy it is to do in the morning!

I still don't recognize her from the back, but she gets lots of compliments!

Lyla's little chubby face looks a lot different with this haircut, but she loves it! Oh, I should mention that Lyla would not settle for a trim after seeing Evelynn's haircut!

Here is Colby's four month picture! He is nearly bald now, but oh so cute!

We took him to his well child check up, and he is doing super. His weight is sliding down the charts (50 percentile to 20 percentile), but that is to be expected when you carry Buser as a last name. He sleeps through the night with the help of his binky without nursing, and still loves his swaddle. He is transitioning to nursing every four hours, and gives us lots of goos, coos, giggles, and smiles.

I don't even know what is going on here, but I think the picture is hilarious!

My little photographer, Evelynn, took this picture of Colby and myself.

Oh, and we survived Snowmageddon 2013 with about 8 inches in our backyard. I can't get Evelynn to go out and play ("It's cold and wet, and I don't like snow!"), but Lyla is more than willing to make snow angels and eat as much of the cold stuff as she can!
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