Thursday, September 16, 2010

Princess Party!

Like most three year olds in America right now, Evelynn is border-line obsessed with princesses. So, when asked what kind of birthday party she would like to have, yeah, well you guess it!
So, we were supposed to have a "3" shirt to wear, but Mommy couldn't convince Evelynn that this was the best idea when we ran across some cute shirts at Target. I couldn't convince her that she would make a better Cinderella because she was blonde, so she is the cutest blonde Belle I have ever seen! Grandma Buser helped Mommy add some yellow to her old tutu, and it was perfect!

Mommy made a Cinderella cake to celebrate the occasion. Technically the first one I tried was a complete flop (not enough batter in the mold), so my sure bet was the cupcakes and then I tried the "princess cake" once again. Thankfully the effort wasn't completely wasted...Evelynn was quite pleased!

Grandma Buser made Evelynn the cutest quilt ever for her big girl bed! So much time and effort has been put into this quilt, not to mention love and prayers! Thank you thank you!

Grandma and PaPa Woods gave Evelynn her very own motorized scooter (and Lyla gave her sister the helmet so she could ride it!). Evelynn asks to ride it every single day, without fail. Unfortunately for her, it has been pretty rainy lately.
Well, those are just the highlights of a very fun day. Our party included coloring a castle (ahem, I mean a primed cardboard box that Daddy cut to look like a castle), finding the King's treasure (umm, I mean little plastic coins thrown about the living room), and of course eating and opening gifts! Thanks so much to everyone who helped make Evelynn's third birthday so special!!
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