Thursday, September 16, 2010

Doll House

Evelynn received a handmade doll house from her Aunt Carrie for her third birthday! I think the look on her face tells you just how much she loves it!
When she first revealed the doll house, we asked her what it was, and she told us it was a tree house. When we corrected her and told her it was a doll house, she said, "but I don't have any dolls!" Good thing Aunt Carrie was prepared with a cute little Belle figurine to help settle in the new house.

Evelynn played with the doll house for two days straight! She still plays with it for at least an hour a day, but has made room in her life for other toys too!
What kills me the most is hearing the conversations that the dolls have with each other. Many damsel in distress situations, lots of time outs, and all in all, a very emotional house hold! I am just glad a therapist isn't watching her play over her shoulder...I am not sure I want to know what it all means!

Thanks Aunt Carrie! What a great gift!
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1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for age 3. I have worked with children since I was 16, and 3 year old's are my VERY favorite. The pretend play is just so hysterical at that age. I laughed out loud when you described the activities of the doll house. I know your house is busy, but I am sure the laughter this year will be almost constant.
