Saturday, July 7, 2012

Second Day at Corpus Christi

As with all camping adventures, we rose early and started our day! It took the girls a little while to get to sleep...but this was to be expected when you feed them SMORES right before bed! Oh well, it's vacation, right?!

The girls wanted to build a big sandcastle, and lucky for them...Brad was up for the challenge. Of course, this couldn't be any ordinary sandcastle from my sweet architect husband! As you can see, he built it with a moat, and even a way to fill the moat! Have I mentioned how much I love my husband? Seriously, such an amazing daddy.

I am not sure who was more proud when the tide came in to fill their precious creation! I should also mention that this sandcastle lasted until the next morning, though the moat dried up rather quickly.

Lunch was hot dogs, brats, chips, and some carrots! Still hadn't figured out what to do about the sand, so these were pretty gritty too...ugh.

My little water babies!

They seriously had so much fun!

Couldn't resist posting this hilarious picture of Lyla with sunglasses, going potty by the tent! I also feel I must express how thankful I am for this $10 purchase. I bought it right before a previous camping adventure, and it has been a LIFESAVER! We keep it in the car for, ahem, roadside assistance, and use it for a stool to help Lyla get in her car seat when it is not in use. However, when it comes time for camping...seriously, it is the best!

For supper we had foil packets with sausage, potatoes, and lots of  veggies. FINALLY, a sand-free supper! Of course, this was immediately followed by the mandatory smores. This is Lyla posing outside the bath house. We went to the bath house each night to clean up with hot running water, which you can see was much needed!

Some things learned from my couple days of camping on a beach:
1. Bringing a sun shade of some sort is mandatory. We applied sunscreen all day long, and still everyone was burned. Well, everyone except for Lyla...lucky kid! Next time, we will bring a minimum of a pop-up umbrella, but hopefully one of those canopy things.
2. Foil packets are really the only way to ensure you will not have sand in your food. Do as much prep work (cutting veggies, etc.) either in the safety of your car or before you even get to the beach.
3. Beaches that allow you to drive on them are awesome for the convenience of having your car so close, but give you a heart attack multiples times a day when you are frantically looking for your kids as a car or truck is approaching.
4. Camping is not as relaxing as just a day on the beach. This is mainly do to the amount of time necessary for food preparation. Had the foil packets been ready to put on the fire, it would have helped, but still the amount of time put into getting a fire ready takes you away from your family and just sitting in the sun.
5. Two days of camping is plenty! I am almost positive that this is because we were tired of being in the sun all of the time. We all slept really well on air mattresses (including pregnant me!). I think we had all gotten used to sand being everywhere. Honestly, it was just the sun burns that had worn us down.

Tune in tomorrow for the ride home!
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1 comment:

  1. Nice to know someone else keeps a potty in the car! Jamie S.
