Monday, December 20, 2010

Evelynn in November

I am really behind in my posting! That always happens when we go out of town! We have also been fighting colds for what seems like forever. Someone has been sick in our family, nonstop, since the end of October! I can finally say that we are all better (knock on wood, quick!).
This is pretty much what Evelynn loves to do all day. Her doll house, her Barbies, back to the doll house, maybe watch a movie, then back to the doll house again. I cannot thank Aunt Carrie enough! It's the gift that keeps on giving!

And this was just too funny, I had to post it. Evelynn made this Thankful Tree for Thanksgiving out of her hands...but it is what she chose for her teachers to write on the branches that just killed me! I would have loves to be a fly on the wall for that lesson!
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