Monday, October 25, 2010

Lovin' the Fall!

Lyla is still not walking, though making progress with a few steps she accidentally takes when she isn't thinking about it. Sleeps like a champ, but not a good eater. Cracks us up with her expressions, and signs (she signs more, all done, eat, and the typical bye bye...but she applies her signs to many things beyond their purposes). She says mama and dada, and is loving her daddy more and more each much for being a momma's girl. Loves her big sister and literally follows her from room to room throughout the day. Still takes two good solid naps the majority of the time. Loves her blankie, and pretty much anything her sister takes interest in...ha ha, I think this is often the case with younger siblings!
Evelynn is definitely over the terrible twos! Praise Jesus! Now she is just ornery and silly most of the time. She still is "Miss Independent," but at least now she obeys ("the first time every time" - we got that from our friend Alisa!). She is very creative, and would love to paint, stamp, playdoh, etc. all day long. She also loves to use her imagination with Barbies, dress-up, her doll house, and baby dolls. She loves her sister too, but is definitely still adjusting to the idea of sharing all of her things (minus her "special bunny" which she reminds us daily is hers and hers alone).
Okay, sorry for the rambling! Some people want to know a few more details, for everyone are some pictures!!! Click on the image to get a closer view!
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