Sunday, October 28, 2012

Colby is here!

Yay! Our little boy has finally arrived! Colby Alan arrived on October 18, at 7:24am. He weighed a whopping 7 lb. 14 oz. (not bad for a week after his due date!) and was 20 inches long. Watch out Brad, there's a new man in my life!

Brad snapped this lovely in between contractions when we first arrived at the hospital. Colby didn't waste too much time getting here. This picture was snapped only 3 1/2 hours before he entered the world (I had to look at the clock on the wall to actually believe that to be true)!

Here's my whole family! We're a family of FIVE!

Evelynn is in LOVE with her new little brother. I think she would hold him all day long if I let her. She greets him by saying, "Well, hi there little buddy." in her best motherese.

Lyla couldn't take her eyes off him, not even for a picture. She is super proud to hold the title of big sister!

Isn't he the cutest?? Lyla picked out that Tigger to give him for his birth-day. She was so excited to give it to him. She has been talking about it for months!

Evelynn looks so big!

And my baby is holding my baby?! How can this be?!

Grandma and Papa Buser had some fun with the girls while we were in the hospital, and then of course had to sneak in a few cuddles when they dropped the girls back at the house.

Me and my new little man!

My boys!

I have to say, Colby has been a breeze so far. No tummy issues, no jaundice, sleeps well, eats well, etc. I just keep waiting for this to get hard!

Such a proud Papa. We were sitting in the hospital only hours after Colby's birth and Brad turns to me and says, "I have a sudden urge to go buy him his first shotgun." =)

It seems like we waited all too long for this little guy to arrive, but boy was he worth the wait!
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  1. LOL at the first shotgun comment. That is hilarious. Congratulations, you guys -- you sure do make some beautiful babies!

  2. This is so sweet - and I'm so happy for you guys - and especially Brad - he looks like such a proud Papa - it will be so fun to have a little man tagging along - so much man fun to look forward to with your little guy !!!

    Congratulations - - Brad Seaman

  3. Love, love, love the pictures!! He is adorable and has quite a bit of hair! Your girls are precious big sisters. What a lovely and blessed family you are. We thank God that all is well with each of you. See you soon!
    Congratulations, Aunt Lynda and Uncle Pecos
