Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy 29th, Brad!

Evelynn was so excited to celebrate Brad's birthday party this year, and of course she chose a theme (because it wouldn't be a party without a theme apparently). So, she went with the pirate theme, and slaved away making pirates, a boat, treasure on top of a mountain, etc. to go with the banner we found at Dollar Tree (I love that place). We had a pirate hat in the dress-up bin (courtesy of a previous white elephant gift), and voila, the perfect family birthday party! Evelynn helped me turn our cherry pie into a pirate, and the girls loved giving Daddy his gifts. Evelynn chose "a mug for Daddy's coffee" and Lyla just knew Daddy would want a bouncy ball with glitter and a pretend fish inside. Mommy gave Daddy something he's been wishing for, for a
v-e-r-y--l-o-n-g time!
Happy Birthday, sweetie! You are so loved!
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