Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My little entertainer

I know we shouldn't label our children, but there are some personality traits that I just don't want to forget about my sweet girls at this age. One of these things, is just how much FUN Lyla likes to have.
It is not at all abnormal to find Lyla on her rocking chair, "reading" books all by herself. I think this is a way for her to escape from the insanity sometimes.

However, the majority of the time, this is how we find her. She loves to get a laugh, and anything to make you do that is fair game. If this means silly costumes, faces, and cold food from being the live entertainment during supper time instead of eating, she is willing to be the muse.

She has also found a new love for dressing up and playing mommy. I think some of this is just mimicking her sister, but there are lots occasions where she does this all by herself. It has been fun to watch the nurturing side come out of her lately.

All in all, Lyla is loved!
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